Being A Tech Mom - SuperWoman

Being A Tech Mom - SuperWoman

Working Mother's laughter comes hardest when our double life is revealed for what it is. A juggling act in which the balls can drop at any time invariably on your own head - Alison Pearson

Being a mother and pursuing a career is not a stroll in the park,especially when it comes to balancing work and personal life. After being unemployed and starting a new career journey,i'll be sharing on how i use my super powers on a daily basis.

Ability To Work Anywhere

working-mom-black-e1545961869223.jpg Being able to work anywhere in any enviroment is a skill. Its not easy to concentrate on a busy enviroment but we manage too.

Time managment


Things will never go according to plan, having a schedule is great, it keeps one at track but not in mommy's life. The moment you start getting busy kids always want to play and you can't do anything about that. The best time i can actually get my work done is when they're sleeping.

Anger Management

YNb6Z.gif Imagine how frustrating it is when your code doesn't work or trying to solve a difficult problem then add noisy kids to the equation. Managing to keep your sanity in such situations is not easy but yet we manage to overcome it most of the times.


giphy (1).gif Darling i only have 24 hours in a day, i cook,clean,do laundry,play and teach my children, work and still find time to rest and sleep then you say Super Humans don't exist ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Me Time

AMy6.gif Best part of the day is soaking myself in a relaxing warm bath,just me and myself. I always look forward to me time.


Working moms go through a lot and still manage to keep their homes afloat. The best inspiration that we have is our children, they drive us to be the best people and being able to be their role model makes me a proud mother. Kudos to every mom making ends meet,you are indeed a Hero

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