Essential Skills Every Data Analyst Should Learn

Information is the oil of the 21st century,and analytics is the combustion engine ~ Peter Sondergaard

The world is fast changing and so is technology.Data Analysts have become a necessity in the market space and an essential role due to the high quality skills they possess. In this article l will highlight some skills that are of paramount Importance if you wish to succeed in the mentioned field:


Strong problem solving skills are crucial to have as we'll stumble upon complex challenges.Thinking outside of the box and being innovative as you'll meet different problems like missing data,bugs,perform exploratory analysis and dealines.Having great and strong problem-solving skills would be an asset in your career.

Programming language

Programming languages like Python,R and Sql are powerful statistical languages,as they perform advanced analyses and work effectively with big datasets.Both R and Python are open source and the best part they're free.


Mastering Visualization doesn't come naturally,it does take time and dedication.Being able to turn data into a compelling story by creating high quality and eye-catching graphs is a clear way to present your findings. We can practise creating visualizations using Tableau software(one of my favourite site).

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is becoming an in-demand skill to possess and has been identified as a key requirement.Building and creating predictive models plays an important role in providing more accurate analytics.You'll need to have a programming language first to advance into the field.

Communication Skill

The ability to communicate is the core skill to possess in general.Whether writing up an analysis or findings,communicating with your colleagues,explaining concepts to non technical teammates or listening to your seniors while understanding the required delivarables.Communication skills will help you strive and succeed in your career.


No one is born possessing any skills,take time to learn,understand and master your craft.There's so much we learn along the way but with time and dedication,we will grow and become better by the day. Dedication is the ingredient that fuels achievement.

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Below i have Curated a list of useful resources to help you advance in your career and boost your skillset.

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